Aesthetic medicine > Fotona 4D Laser

Fotona 4D Laser

Gentle face lift and anti-aging

Sun, stress, environmental influences and the natural aging process cause our facial skin to age visibly from the age of 30. More and more people want a gentle but highly efficient face lift without surgery - long downtimes and surgical risks can be avoided. The term soft face lift refers to a face lifting without a scalpel. Today, this method is more in demand than ever. Thanks to the Fotona 4D Laser, at sweet skin we have the latest generation of laser technology. The advantage of laser procedures is based on the high penetration depth of the laser, so that the deeper layers of the skin can also be reached without destroying the skin. Through the combined use of different wavelengths with the Er:Yag/ Nd:Yag, the skin can be visibly and tangibly tightened, with the treatment being practically painless. 4D refers to the multidimensional treatment using SmoothLiftin™, FRAC3®, PIANO® and SupErficial™ - it is one of the most efficient methods of face lifting of all.

For the best possible results, we recommend two treatments at sweet skin, spaced four weeks apart. If you want to maximize the effect, a third treatment can be done after six months.

Treatable areas

Several areas can be treated at the same time in one session. Laser face lifting is highly effective and virtually painless. The treatment takes about 90 minutes. After the treatment, you are free of health restrictions and sociable the next day. Immediate results are visible thanks to the last treatment phase with the superficial peeling effect (SupErficial™) - the intensive stimulation of collagen synthesis in depth lasts for months.

The following areas are particularly suitable for treatment with the Laser Fotona 4D technique:

  • Face

    only here the SmoothLiftin™ effect can be applied in the 4th dimension (treatment from the oral cavity)

  • Mid Facelift

  • Cheek lift

  • Neck

    Fotona 3D Lift

  • Cleavage

    Fotona 3D Lifting

  • Hands

    Fotona 3D Lifting

  • 4D facelift and facelift for men


We treat people, not areas. Our motto at sweet skin is: Less is more - the focus is always on achieving the best possible result. The price of a non-surgical face lift with the Fotona 4D laser technology starts at CHF 1,000. For individual zones from CHF 300. The cost of a décolleté or neck treatment starts at CHF 600 per session. Depending on your personal starting point and, above all, your goals, the price can vary accordingly. Talk to us - we will be happy to make you a personal offer.


A laser face lift has significantly fewer side effects than other methods such as face lift surgery, a face lifting with thread technology, or a face lift with hyaluronic acid. After the treatment, a minimal reddening of the skin may be visible. Laser therapies must not be performed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Caution should also be exercised if you are taking photosensitizing medications, such as antidepressants or antibiotics.

What face lifting methods and options are out there?

The most well-known method for face lifting is the face lift surgery. Many people today are no longer willing to put up with long downtimes, the risk of surgery and the postoperative pain. Alternatives for a neck and face lift, i.e. a face lift without a scalpel and surgery, include the laser face lift with the Fotona 4D technique. Further very effective techniques are radiofrequency needling with Morpheus8, the vampire facelift or the liquid facelift.

Other face lifting treatments that are often offered and expensive, such as the face lifting with ultrasound or the HIVU Face lifts are significantly less efficient.

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