Medical cosmetics > Mesotherapy


Mesotherapy for a healthier and younger skin

Mesotherapy is a procedure in which vitamins, enzymes and plant extracts are injected into the skin, with the help of a very fine needle. The treatment tightens the skin (Mesolift), hydrates it and provides a natural glow. When treating the hair with mesotherapy, active ingredients are brought to the hair root in a targeted manner, which promotes hair growth and improves the hair structure. Mesotherapy can also be used against cellulite and for skin tightening. Only high-quality, highly concentrated ingredients that have been clinically tested for their effectiveness are used at sweet skin. We prefer to work with products from Teolysal (Redensity I) and RRS RRS® HYALIFT®.

This treatment method was introduced in 1952 by the french doctor Michel Pistor. The goal of mesotherapy back then was pain relief, whereas today it is used in medical cosmetics. Initially only accessible to a privileged group of people, mesotherapy has spread from Hollywood to all over the world in recent years. The treatment session frequency and the number of treatments differ, depending on the treatment goal. When using mesotherapy on the face to smooth out wrinkles, at least three sessions are recommended at intervals of 14 days, followed by 2 further treatments at intervals of four weeks. Experience has shown that mesotherapy for hair treatment should be used weekly over a period of 4-12 weeks, and later on at intervals of two weeks for a further two months.

Application areas

The treatment session frequency and the number of treatments differ, depending on the treatment goal. When using mesotherapy on the face to smooth out wrinkles, at least three sessions are recommended at intervals of 14 days, followed by 2 further treatments at intervals of four weeks.

Experience has shown that mesotherapy for hair treatment should be used weekly over a period of 4-12 weeks, and later on at intervals of two weeks for a further two months.

Anwendungsgebiete der Mesotherapie:

  • Wrinkle smoothing on the face and décolleté

  • Skin tightening (Mesolift)

  • Skin Hydration

  • Reduction of pigment disorders

  • Treatment of acne scars

  • Tightening of sagging skin on the body

  • Improving the quality of hair

  • Reduction of hair loss


The cost of treatment based on mesotherapy varies depending on the type and amount of active ingredient (hyaluron) used, as well as the indication for the treatment. Prices for mesotherapy range from CHF 100 for partial zones of the face, from CHF 350 for the whole face and from CHF 300 for treatments of the scalp.


Mesotherapy should be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Furthermore, mesotherapy should not be used if there is an allergy or intolerance reactions to certain ingredients.

How are the effects of Mesotherapy?

For which parts of my body can I use Mesotherapy?

How often do I need a Mesotherapy session?

What is the minimum age for Mesotherapy treatment?

Welche Menge der verwendeten Produkte wird injiziert?

Does Mesotherapy cause side effects?

Mesotherapy works through the targeted injection of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and active ingredient complexes into the skin or scalp. By taking advantage of highly concentrated ingredients through intradermal micro-injections, the active agents reach their site of action directly - with practically no side effects.

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