Sweet skin was conceived as a place where all facets of staying young are combined at the highest level, making a stay at our clinic an emotional experience from the very first moment. We see healthy aging as a privilege, and it is our mission to make the process an enjoyable part of your life.

Founded in 2022 by a dermatologist and an entrepreneur, sweet skin's mission is your medical and aesthetic skin health as well as your overall well-being- both of which are sustainably improved when you feel well in your own skin.
From the very beginning, the vision of sweet skin's founders was to blend healthy aging, beauty and skin health in a harmonious process. At sweet skin, Swiss cutting-edge medicine thus becomes part of your lifestyle. Through a holistic approach based on individual needs and therapeutic necessities, we develop the best treatment concept for each patient and implement it professionally.
Our aspiration as medical professionals and entrepreneurs of sweet skin is to provide you with a soothing and lush break from the hectic pace of everyday life.
At the center of this endeavor is the skin, the largest and the only fully visible organ. Our attention is focused, among other things, on the molecular changes that occur because of aging, with the aim of promoting not only the health of the skin in particular, but also that of the body in general. The application of advanced technologies in combination with the latest scientific findings enables us to offer you the best possible range of treatments and services.
"Less is more" is the defining guiding principle at sweet skin. We expressly emphasize our rejection of unnatural or even dispensable aesthetic optimizations. We are advocates of natural-looking, self-confident patients who feel comfortable in their skin, body and lives. Our principle is to be uncompromisingly authentic and sincere.